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The Marne Community and Spouses Club (MCSC) Scholarship Fund falls under the support of the Marne Community and Spouses Club of Ft. Stewart/Hunter Army Airfield to provide merit-based scholarships for eligible military family members of the Ft. Stewart/HAAF and Low Country Communities. The Community Outreach Committee will award the scholarships based on the following categories: academic achievement, community and extracurricular involvement, essays and letters of recommendation. Applicants will be considered without regard to race, ethnicity, religion, rank of sponsor, age, gender, or financial need. Please attach additional pages if necessary.

For Answers to
Frequently Asked Questions...


  1. The applicant must be attending an institution of secondary education, to include vocational, associate, undergraduate or graduate degree programs.

  2. High School applicants must be a graduate of the 2024-2025 school year.

  3. College applicants must have graduated from a high school or hold a GED equivalent.

  4. Applicants must be a Military Dependent I.D. card holder. Spouses that are eligible for membership in the MCSC must be members of the organization at the time of application.  (If application is needed please email:

  5. Recipients may retain the MCSC Scholarship regardless of other scholarships received.

  6. Scholarships will be awarded in the following categories: High School Senior, Current Student/Spouse continuing their education (i.e. Vocational, Associate, Undergraduate, Graduate). Applicants must be members of the Marne Community or children of members of the Marne Community, to include retirees or those medically retired and permanently residing in the Greater Savannah Area.



1. The application packet must include:
a. High School students and first-time college students: a copy of high school/GED transcript, the completed questionnaire below, an essay, and two (2) letters of recommendations.
b. Continuing and Graduate Education students: a copy of college transcripts or a copy high school transcript if it’s your first semester in college, completed questionnaire, an essay, two (2) letters of recommendations.

2. All properly submitted applications will be reviewed and evaluated by the committee in accordance with the guidelines. All information on the application will be treated in a confidential manner.
3. Scholarship money will be sent directly to the recipient’s institution of higher learning to be used for tuition, room and board, internships, books, equipment and/or meal plans. 
4. Scholarships will be awarded in time for the fall semester of the 2024-2025 academic year. Once the scholarship has been awarded it will be up to the student and institution to apply the scholarship for intended purposes. MCSC cannot and will not hold monies awarded for future semester use.
5. All applicants will be notified by email of the outcome of the scholarship awards.


Scholarship Application

Student's Information

I am currently a...
Graduating High School Student
Enrolled College Student (undergraduate or post-gradate)
Enrolled Student in a Vocational Program

This essay should be a minimum of 500 typed written words. Please submit your essay as either a Word Document or PDF. Please do not use previously submitted essays or your application will be rejected. If you can not upload the document, please email the essay to with subject: 2025 Scholarship Essay. Include your name and phone number with the email.

Please upload as a PDF.  If you can not upload the document, please email the transcripts to with subject: 2025 Transcripts. Include your name and phone number with the email.

Letters of recommendation authors can also email directly to with subject line: 2025 Recommendation. Address letters to the MCSC Scholarship Committee and ensure to include applicants full name in the letter. 

Would you like to be considered for a First Command Scholarship?
Yes, I want to be considered. I understand that an additional application form may be required should I be selected.
No, I do not want to be considered.

This merit-based scholarship comes with additional requirements the recipient will fulfill after being chosen.

Are you an Enlisted Spouse and would like to be considered for the Rita Ackerman Scholarship?

By entering my name below, I attest that all information provided is true to the best of my knowledge and that any knowingly false information will be grounds for my application to be removed from consideration.

Applications without uploaded files will not be considered until all portions of the application packet have been received by the MCSC Scholarship Committee.

All information disclosed in this application will be treated as confidential and released only after authorization of the individual. This information is protected by the Privacy Act of 1974 (PL-93-579). Unauthorized access of this information is a violation of Federal Law. Violations will be prosecuted.

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